Last Updated: 5 January 2024
A measuring device or measuring instrument is a device to measure a physical quantity or degree of something in our lives every day.
In the physical sciences, quality assurance, and engineering, measurement is the activity of obtaining and comparing physical quantities of real-world objects and events. The process of measurement gives a number relating to the item under study and the referenced unit of measurement.
These instruments may range from simple objects such as rulers and stopwatches to electron microscopes and particle accelerators. Read the following list to know more.
List Of Measuring Devices & Instruments
Page Contents
No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Acceleration | Accelerometer |
2 | AF Signal Level | Psophometer |
3 | Airflow | 1) Anemometers 2) Thermoanemometers |
4 | Air Pressure | Barometer |
5 | Air Quality | 1) Nephelometers 2) Air Quality Meter |
6 | Alcoholic Strength | Alcoholmeter |
7 | Altitude | Altimeter |
8 | Angle | 1) Circumferentor 2) Cross Staff 3) Goniometer 4) Graphometer 5) Inclinometer 6) Mural Instrument 7) Protractor 8) Bevel Protractor 9) Digital Protractor 10) Quadrant 11) Octant 12) Reflecting Circles 13) Sextant 14) Theodolite 15) Total Station 16) Sine Bars 17) Pivot Square 18) Three-Sided Squares 19) Square Shooter 20) T-Bevel 21) T-Bevel Setter 22) Protractor Plus 23) Miter Guide 24) Adjustable T-Square |
9 | Angle of a Slope | Inclinometer |
10 | Angular velocity | 1) Stroboscope 2) Tachometer 3) Gyroscope |
11 | Animal Activity | Actograph |
12 | Area | 1) Planimeter 2) Measuring Tape 3) Theodolite |
13 | Astronomy | 1) Radio Antenna 3) Telescope |
14 | Atmospheric Pressure | Mercury Barometer |
15 | Atom Polarization | Stern–Gerlach Experiment |
No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Bocce Ball | BocceStik |
2 | Body Fat | 1) Skinfold Calipers 2) Bioimpedance 3) Air displacement 4) DEXA Scan |
3 | Body Temperature | 1) Medical Thermometer 2) Infrared Thermometer |
4 | Boiling Temperature | Ebullioscope |
5 | Blood Glucose | Glucometer |
6 | Blood Pressure | Sphygmomanometer |
7 | Brain Waves | Electroencephalograph |
8 | Breath Alcohol Content | Breathalyzer |
9 | Breathing | Spirometer |
10 | Brightness | 1) Lux Meter 2) Luminance Meter 3) Light Meter 4) Integrating Sphere 5) Densitometer |
11 | Bullet Speed | 1) Ballistic Chronograph 2) Gun Chronograph |
No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Capacitance | LCR Meter |
2 | Capacitance Component | Capacitance Meter |
3 | Cathode Rays | 1) Crookes Tube 2) Cathode-Ray Tube |
4 | Cells | Microscope |
5 | Change in Volume of a Gas | Eudiometer |
6 | Circuit Distortion | Distortion Meter |
7 | Circulatory System | 1) Electrocardiograph 2) Glucose Meter 3) Sphygmomanometer |
8 | Cloud Cover | Ceilometer |
9 | CO2 | Capnograph |
10 | Color | 1) Tristimulus Colorimeter 2) Tintometer |
11 | Composition of Gases | Katharometer |
12 | Condensed Matter | 1) Infrared Spectroscopy 2) Neutron Detector 3) Radiofrequency 4) Raman Spectroscopy |
13 | Conductivity | Electrical Conductivity Meter |
14 | Corrosion Rate | Corrator |
15 | Crystal Structure | X-ray Tube |
16 | Curling | Curling Micrometer |
17 | Current | Multimeter |
18 | Current Without Physical Connection | Current Clamp |
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No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Data Recorded Over Time | Data Logger |
2 | Decibels | 1) Sound Level Meter 2) Decibel Meter 3) Integrating Sound Level Meter 4) Noise Dosimeter |
3 | Deformation | Strain Gauge |
4 | Degree of Darkness | Densitometer |
5 | Density | 1) Aerometer 2) Dasymeter 3) Gas collecting Tube 4) Hydrometer 5) Pycnometer |
6 | Depth of Sea | Multibeam Echosounders |
7 | Diameter | Caliper Gauge |
8 | Dielectric Properties of Thin Films | Ellipsometer |
9 | Direct Solar Insolation | Pyrheliometer |
10 | Direction | 1) Gyroscope 2) Compass 3) Wind vane 4) Gyrocompass 5) Wave Recorder 6) Anemometer 7) Wavemeter |
11 | Distance | 1) Measuring Tape 2) Odometer 3) Odograph 4) Tacheometer |
12 | Drop Size Distribution | Disdrometer |
13 | Drum Strokes | Drumometer |
14 | Ductility | Universal Testing Machine |
No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Earthing’s Resistance | Megger Tester |
2 | Earthquake | 1) Seismographs 2) Seismometer 3) Richter Scale 4) Mercalli Scale |
3 | Elapsed Machine Hours | Hourmeter |
4 | Elasticity | 1) Resonant Frequency 2) Damping Analyser |
5 | Electric Charge | 1) Electrometer 2) Electroscope |
6 | Electric Current | 1) Ammeter 2) Clamp meter 3) d’Arsonval Galvanometer 4) Galvanometer 5) Capacitance Meter 6) Voltmeter |
7 | Electricity | 1) Energy Meter 2) Smart Meter 3) Multimeter 4) Tester 5) Galvanometer |
8 | Electric Capacitance | Capacitance Meter |
9 | Electric Energy | Electricity Meter |
10 | Electric Field | Field Mill |
11 | Electric Inductance | Inductance Meter |
12 | Electrical Insulation | Megger |
13 | Electric Power | Wattmeter |
14 | Electrical Resistance | 1) Ohmmeter 2) Wheatstone Bridge 3) Multimeter 4) LCR Meter |
15 | Electromagnetic Radiation | Bolometer |
16 | Electrostatic Charge | Coulombmeter |
17 | Energy | 1) Electricity Meter 2) Gas Meter 3) Ballistic Pendulum 4) Watthour Meter |
18 | Entropy | Calorimeter |
19 | Exposure to Hazards | Dosimeter |
20 | Eye Pressure | Goldmann Applanation Tonometer |
No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Fabric Degradation | Bettsometer |
2 | Fare of Distance Travelled | Taximeter |
3 | Fermentation | Zymometer |
4 | Flow | Flow Meter |
5 | Fluid Density | Pycnometer |
6 | Foot | 1) Brannock Device 2) Shoe Gauge |
7 | Force | 1) Force Gauge 2) Spring Scale 3) Strain Gauge 4) Torsion Balance 5) Tribometer 6) Dynamometer |
8 | Frequency | Frequency Counter |
9 | Frequency Spectrum | Spectrum Analyser |
10 | Fuel Levels | Fuel Gauge |
No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Gap Widths | Feeler Gauge |
2 | Geometric Locations | Universal Measuring Machine |
3 | Gradient of Physical Quantity | Gradiometer |
4 | Granularity | Grindometer |
5 | Ground Reaction Force | Force Platform |
No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Heartbeat | Stethoscope |
2 | Hearing | 1) Sound Pressure Gauge 2) Sound Level Meter 3) Audiometer |
3 | Heat Radiation | 1) Thermographic Camera 2) Actinometer 3) Constant Volume Calorimeter 4) Constant Temperature Calorimeter 5) Constant Pressure Calorimeter 6) Differential Scanning Calorimeter 7) Reaction Calorimeter 8) Infrared Thermometer |
4 | Height of a Cloud Base | Ceilometer |
5 | High Temperatures | Pyrometer |
6 | Humidity | 1) Hygrometer 2) Lysimeter |
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No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Illuminance | Photometer |
2 | Imaging Technology | 1) Tomograph 2) Wind Tunnel 3) Electron Microscope 4) Scanning Electron Microscope 5) Transmission Electron Microscope 6) Optical Microscope 7) Scanning Acoustic Microscope 8) Scanning Probe Microscope 9) Atomic Force Microscope 10) Scanning Tunneling Microscope 11) Focus Variation 12) X-ray Microscope |
3 | Index of Refraction | Refractometer |
4 | Inductance | LCR Meter |
5 | Infrared Radiation | Forward Looking Infrared |
6 | Ink | Inkometer |
7 | Intensity of Light | 1) Lux Meter 2) Spectrophotometer |
8 | Ionizing Radiation | Geiger Counter |
No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Keto | Blood Glucose Meters |
No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Laser | Laser Distance Meter |
2 | Latitude | Astrolabe |
3 | Length/Distance | 1) Standard Rulers 2) Architect’s Scale 3) Caliper 4) Diagonal Scale 5) Engineer’s Scale 6) Feeler Gauge 7) Gauge Blocks 8) Gunter’s Chain 9) Measuring Rod 10) Meter Stick 11) Metric scale 12) Cosmic Distance Ladder 13) Micrometer 14) Opisometer/Curvimeter 15) Pacing (surveying) 16) Ruler 17) Stadimeter 18) Surveyor’s Wheel 19) Tape Measure 20) Thread Pitch Gauge 21) Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge 22) Yardstick 23) Ranging 24) Radar 25) Laser Rangefinder |
4 | Lengths of Arbitrary Curved Lines | Opisometer |
5 | Level | 1) Level (instrument) 2) Laser Line Level 3) Spirit Level 4) Dip Sticks & Lead Lines 5) Sight Glass 6) Float Gauge 7) Sonar 8) Dumpy Level |
6 | Light | 1) Photometer 2) Phototube 3) Luminance Meter 4) Illuminance Meter 5) Integrating Sphere 6) Spectrometer 7) Light Meter |
7 | Light & Radiation Without Rest Mass | 1) Antenna 2) Bolometer 3) Camera 4) EMF Meter 5) Interferometer 6) Microwave Power Meter 7) Optical Power Meter 8) Photographic Plate 9) Photomultiplier 10) Phototube 11) Radio Telescope 12) Spectrometer 13) T-ray Detectors |
8 | Linear Momentum | Ballistic Pendulum |
9 | Liquid | Measuring Cylinder |
10 | Location on Earth’s Surface | Sextant |
11 | Lung Capacity | Spirometer |
No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Magnetic Declination | Declinometer |
2 | Magnetic Field | 1) Compass 2) Hall Effect Sensor 3) Magnetometer 4) Proton Magnetometer 5) SQUID 6) Flux Meter |
3 | Magnetization | Gouy Balance |
4 | Mass | 1) Balance 2) Check Weigher 3) Inertial Balance 4) Katharometer 5) Mass Spectrometers 6) Weighing Scale 7) Beam Balance |
5 | Mass/Volume Flow | 1) Gas Meter 2) Mass Flow Meter 3) Metering Pump 4) Water Meter 5) Coriolis Flow Meter 6) Differential Pressure Flow Meters 7) Electromagnetic Flow Meters 8) Flow Indicators 9) Metering Pumps 10) Thermal Dispersion Flow Meters 11) Ultrasonic Flow Meters 12) Flow Control Valves 13) Variable Area Flow Meters 14) Vortex Flow Meters |
6 | Measurement of Force | Load Cell |
7 | Mechanical Properties of Soil | Bevameter |
8 | Medical Imaging | 1) Computed Tomography 2) Magnetic Resonance Imaging 3) Medical Ultrasonography 4) Radiology 5) Tomograph |
9 | Melting Point | Melting-Point Apparatus |
10 | Melting Temperature | 1) Differential Scanning Calorimeter 2) Kofler Bench 3) Thiele Tube |
11 | Metabolic Rate | Calorimeter |
Microwave Frequencies | Microwave Power Meter | |
12 | Minor Changes to the Earth | Tiltmeter |
13 | Musculoskeletal system | 1) Ergometer 2) Body Fat Meter |
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No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Nervous System | Electroencephalograph |
2 | Network Parameters | Network Analyzer |
3 | Noise | 1) Sound Level Meter 2) Integrating Sound Level Meter 3) Noise Dosimeter |
No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Object Range | Stadimeter |
2 | Ocean Depth | Fathometer |
3 | Optical Activity | Polarimeter |
4 | Oscillations | Oscilloscope |
5 | Osmotic Strength | Osmometer |
6 | Oxygen | Oximeter |
No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Parking Time | Parking Meter |
2 | Particle & Ray Flux | 1) Bubble Chamber 2) Cloud Chamber 3) Dosimeter 4) Geiger Counter 5) Ionization Chamber 6) Microchannel Plate Detector 7) Photographic Plate 8) Photostimulable Phosphor Plate 9) Proportional Counter 10) Scintillation Counter 11) Lucas Cell 12) Semiconductor Detector |
3 | Particles in a Liquid | Nephelometer |
4 | Pelvis | 1) Collin Pelvimeter 2) Bone-Meter Kit |
5 | Percentage Cover of an Item | Quadrat |
6 | Permittivity | Capacitor |
7 | pH | 1) pH Meter 2) Saturated Calomel Electrode |
8 | Photon Polarization | Polarizer |
9 | Pitch of Musical Notes | Electronic Tuner |
10 | Plasticity | 1) Cam Plastometer 2) Plastometer |
11 | Postage | Postage Meter |
12 | Power | 1) Wattmeters 2) Energy Meter 3) Power Meter 4) Watthour meter |
13 | Power Factor | Cos Phi Meter |
14 | Precipitation | 1) Rain Gauge 2) Snow gauges |
15 | Pressure | 1) Barometer 2) Piezometer Pressure Gauge 3) Manometer Pressure Gauge 4) Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauge 5) Diaphragm Pressure Gauge 6) Micro Manometer 7) Capsule Pressure Gauge 8) Absolute Pressure Gauge 9) Differential Pressure Gauge 10) Bellows Pressure Gauge 11) Dead-Weight Pressure Gauge 12) Tire Pressure Gauge 13) Nichols Radiometer |
16 | Pressure of Gas | Manometer |
17 | Pressure of a Liquid | Rotameter |
18 | Properties of Light | Spectroscope |
19 | Pulse Rate | Stethoscope |
No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Quality of Milk | Lactometer |
No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Radar Brightness | Synthetic Aperture Radar |
2 | Radiant Flux | 1) Integrating Sphere 2) Radiometer |
3 | Radiation | Geiger Counters |
4 | Radius of a Sphere | Apherometer |
5 | Rain | Rain Gauge |
6 | Rate of Evaporation | Evaporimeter |
7 | Reflectivity & Moisture | Synthetic Aperture Radar |
8 | Resistance | 1) LCR Meter 2) Multimeter |
9 | Respitration | 1) Inductance Plethysmography 2) Capnography 3) Piezoelectric 3) Bioimpedance-Based Sensors |
10 | Respiratory System | Spirometer |
11 | Response to Applied Forces | Rheometer |
12 | Right Angles in Construction | Framing Square |
13 | RPM | 1) Dynamometer 2) Tachometer |
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No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Seismic Strain | Strainmeter |
2 | Seismic Waves | Seismometer |
3 | Shoe Size | Brannock Device |
4 | Signal Strength | S Meter |
5 | Slow Surface Displacement | Creepmeter |
6 | Small Distances | Micrometer |
7 | Smell | Olfactometer |
8 | Snow | Snow Gauge |
9 | Solar Radiation | Pyranometer |
10 | Solid Hardness | Durometer |
11 | Solid Shape/Surface | 1) Holographic interferometer 2) Resonant Frequency & Damping Analyser 3) Tribometer |
12 | Sound | 1) Laser Microphone 2) Seismometer |
13 | Sound Pressure | 1) Microphone 2) Shock Tube 3) Sound Level Meter |
14 | Specific Gravity | 1) Hygrometer 2) Refractometer |
15 | Specific Gravity of Liquids | 1) Densimeter 2) Hydrometer |
16 | Specific Gravity of Milk | Lactometer |
17 | Speed/Velocity | 1) Airspeed Indicator 2) LIDAR Speed Gun 3) Radar Speed Gun 4) Speedometer 5) Tachometer 6) Tachymeter 7) Variometer 8) Velocimetry 9) Anemometer 10) Accelerometer 11) Pitot Tube (Air Speed) |
18 | Speed & Direction of Clouds | Nephoscope |
19 | Speed of Movement | Linear Position Transducer |
20 | Standing Wave Ratio | SWR Meter |
21 | Steps | Pedometer |
22 | Stool | Bristol Stool Scale |
23 | Strain | Electrical Strain Gauge |
24 | Strength of Magnetic Fields | Magnetometer |
25 | Structure of Crystals | Diffractometer |
26 | Substance Identification | 1) Carbon Dioxide Sensor 2) Chromatographic Device 3) Colorimeter Absorbance 4) Gas Detector 5) Mass Spectrometer 6) Nephelometer 7) Oxygen Sensor 8) Refractometer 9) Smoke Detector 10) Ultracentrifuge |
27 | Surface Roughness | Profilometer |
28 | Surface Texture | Roughness Meters |
29 | Sugar | 1) Glucose Meter/Glucometer 2) Lactometer 3) Refractometer 4) Brix meter 5) Saccharometer |
30 | Sun’s Diameter | Heliometer |
31 | Surface Tension | Tensiometer |
No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Tanning Liquors | Barkometer |
2 | Temperature | 1) Thermometer 2) Thermocouples 3) Galileo Thermometer 4) Gas Thermometer 5) Liquid Crystal Thermometer 6) Resistance Thermometer |
3 | Tensile | Universal Testing Machine |
4 | Testicle Size in Male Humans | Orchidometer |
5 | Thermal Expansion | 1) Dilatometer 2) Strain Gauge |
6 | Thickness of Thin Films | Quartz Crystal Microbalance |
7 | Time | 1) Sundial 2) Clocks 3) Watches 4) Atomic Clock 5) Stopwatches 6) Winding Clock 7) Pendulum Clock 8) Electric Clock 9) Hourglass 10) Chronometer |
8 | Torque | 1) Dynamometer 2) Prony Brake 3) Torque Wrench 4) Torque Meter 5) Torque Gauge 6) Torque Transducer |
9 | Turbidity | Nephelometers |
No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Urine | Uroflowmeter |
No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Vertical Distances | Cathetometer |
2 | Very Low Pressure | Vacuum Gauge |
3 | Voltage | 1) Oscilloscope 2) Voltmeter 3) Multimeter 4) Potentiometer |
4 | Volume | 1) Buoyant Weight 2) Eudiometer 3) Pneumatic Trough 4) Flow Measurement 5) Graduated Cylinder 6) Measuring Cup 7) Pipette 8) Buret 9) Beaker 10) Erlenmeyer Flask 11) Syringe |
5 | Volume & Density of Solids | Gas Pycnometer |
6 | Volume Changes | Dilatometer |
7 | Volume of Applause | Clap-o-Meter |
8 | Volume Unit | VU Meter |
9 | VOM | Multimeter |
10 | Viscosity | 1) Rheometer 2) Viscometer |
No. | Measurement Of | Device/Instrument |
1 | Walking Distance | 1) Pedometers 2) Fitness Trackers |
2 | Water | 1) Propeller Meter 2) Turbine Meter 3) Magnetic Flow Meter 4) Water Analysis Meter |
3 | Wave Interference | Interferometer |
4 | Weight | Weighing Scale |
5 | Width | 1) Meter stick 2) Caliper 3) Tape Measure |
6 | Wind Speed | 1) Anemometer 2) Wind Vane |
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