Last Updated: 15 January 2025
This article is written on ISRO-Related Full Forms to help students and anyone looking for Acronyms on the Internet but didn’t find the answer or Full Forms that didn’t have any relevance to ISRO.
Before we get into the list of ISRO Related Full Forms, let’s have a quick introduction to ISRO. The Indian Space Research Organisation is the national space agency of India, headquartered in Bangalore.
It operates under the Department of Space (DOS) which is directly overseen by the Prime Minister of India, while the Chairman of ISRO acts as the executive of DOS as well.
The Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR) was established by Jawaharlal Nehru under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) in 1962, at the urging of scientist Vikram Sarabhai, who recognized the need for space research. INCOSPAR grew and became ISRO in 1969, within DAE.
Page Contents
Facts About ISRO
- ISRO built India’s first satellite, Aryabhata, which was launched by the Soviet Union in 1975.
- In 1980, ISRO launched satellite RS-1 onboard its own SLV-3, making India the sixth country to be capable of undertaking orbital launches.
- ISRO has the world’s largest constellation of remote-sensing satellites and operates the GAGAN and NAVIC satellite navigation systems.
- It has sent two missions to the Moon and one to Mars.
- Aditya L1 is the first Indian dedicated mission to observe the sun, which is planned to be launched by the PSLV-XL launch vehicle.
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | AA | Aluminium Alloy |
2 | AAI | Airports Authority of India |
3 | ABPP | Air Breathing Propulsion Project |
4 | ACL | Antrix Corporation Limited |
5 | ACRS | Automated Conflict Resolution System |
6 | ADC | Analog-toDigital Converter |
7 | ADCOS | Advisory Committee of on Space Sciences |
8 | ADP | Auxiliary Data Processing |
9 | ADRDE | Ariel Delivery Research and Development Establishment |
10 | AeSI | Aeronautical Society of India |
11 | AFC | Autonomous Film Cooling |
12 | AFTN | Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network |
13 | AGEOS | Antarctica Ground Station for Earth Observation Satellites |
14 | AHPI | Association of Healthcare Providers (India) |
15 | AICIL | Agricultural Insurance Company of India Limited |
16 | AICTE | All India Council for Technical Education |
17 | AIR | All India Radio |
18 | AIT | Assembly Integration and Testing |
19 | ALIMCO | Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India |
20 | ALS | Automatic Launch Secquence |
21 | AMD | Atomic Minerals Directorate |
22 | AO | Announcement of Opportunity |
23 | AOCE | Attitude and Orbit Control Electronics |
24 | AoI | Area of Interest |
25 | APEP | Ammonium Perchlorate Experimental Plant |
26 | APIOs | Assistant Public Information Officers |
27 | APOM | Astrosat Picture of the Month |
28 | APPLE | Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment |
29 | APPS | AstroSat Proposal Processing System |
30 | APRSAF | Asia Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum |
31 | APXS | Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer |
32 | AQUA | Amino Qnx Unified Architecture |
33 | ARFI | Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse |
34 | ARFI | Aerosol Radiative Forcing over India |
35 | ARG | Automatic Rain Gauge |
36 | ASAL | Algerian Space Agency |
37 | ASC | AstroSat Support Cell |
38 | ASCI | Administrative Staff College of India |
39 | ASDM | Aerial Services and Digital Mapping |
40 | ASEAN | Association of South East Asian Nations |
41 | ASI | Astronautical Society of India |
42 | ASICs | Application Specific Integrated Circuits |
43 | ASLV | Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle |
44 | ASPEX | Aditya Solar Wind Particle Experiment |
45 | ASTDC | Advanced Space Technology Development Cell |
46 | AstroSat | Astronomy Satellite |
47 | ATAC | AstroSat Time Allocation Committee |
48 | ATC | AstroSat Technical Committee |
49 | ATCTM | Atmospheric Trace Gases Chemistry and Transport Modeling |
50 | ATL | Atal Tinkering Lab |
51 | ATS | American Technology Satellite |
52 | ATV | Advanced Technology Vehicle |
53 | AVIRIS-NG | Advanced Visible and Infrared Imaging Spectrometer-Next Generation |
54 | AWiFS | Advanced Wide Field Sensor |
55 | AWS | Automatic Weather Stations |
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | BCs | Boundary Conditions |
2 | BDR | Baseline Design Review |
3 | BFFR | Babina Field Fire Range |
4 | BIEC | Bengaluru International Exhibition Centre |
5 | BPOFM | Bunched Passage Orifice Flow Meter |
6 | BSS | Block Storage Space |
7 | BSX | Bengaluru Space Expo |
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No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | CA-CFAR | Cell Averaging Constant False Alarm Rate |
2 | CAHO | Consortium of Accredited Healthcare Organization |
3 | CARTOSAT | Cartography Satellite |
4 | CATVAC | Comprehensive Assembly & Test Vacuum Chamber |
5 | CBM-Z | Carbon-Bond Mechanism Version Z |
6 | C-C | Carbon-Carbon |
7 | CCD | Charged Coupled Device |
8 | CCoE | Chief Controller of Explosives |
9 | CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access |
10 | CE | Cryogenic Engine |
11 | CEJ | Counter Electrojet |
12 | CeNSE | Centre for Nano Science and Engineering |
13 | CEOS | Committee on Earth Observation Satellites |
14 | CES | Crew Escape System |
15 | CFRP | Composite Fibre Reinforced Plastic |
16 | CFT | Cold Flow Test |
17 | CGMS | Coordination Group on Meteorological Satellites |
18 | CH2O | Chandrayaan-2 Orbiter |
19 | CHAMAN | Coordinated Horticulture Assessment and Management using geo-informatics |
20 | CII | Confederation of Indian Industry |
21 | CM | Crew Module |
22 | CME | Continuing Medical Education |
23 | CMOS | Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor |
24 | CMS | Communication & Data Relay Satellite |
25 | CMSE | Components for Military & Space Electronics |
26 | CNC | Computer Numerical Control |
27 | CNES | Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (National Centre for Space Studies) |
28 | COB | Chip On Board |
29 | CoE | Centre of Excellence |
30 | COP | Committee of Parties |
31 | COPLOT | Committee On Papers Laid On the Table |
32 | COPUOS | Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space |
33 | CORS | Cross-Origin Resource Sharing |
34 | COSPAR | Committee on Space Research |
35 | COWAA | Computerized Working in Administrative Areas |
36 | CPCB | Central Pollution Control Board |
37 | CPCS | Cabin Pressure Control System |
38 | CPIOs | Central Public Information Officers |
39 | CPM | Charged Particle Monitor |
40 | CPSEs | Central Public Sector Enterprises |
41 | CRS | Coarse Resolution ScanSAR |
42 | CSA | Canadian Space Agency |
43 | CSR | Corporate Social Responsibility |
44 | CSSTE | Centre for Space Science and Technology Education |
45 | CSSTE-AP | Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and The Pacific |
46 | CSTT | Commission For Scientific & Technical Terminology |
47 | CUS | Cryogenic Upper Stage |
48 | CWDS | Cyclone Warning Dissemination System |
49 | CZTI | Cadmium-Zinc-Telluride Imager |
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | DAC&FW | Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare |
2 | DAE | Department of Atomic Energy |
3 | DC | Deep Convective |
4 | DD | Doordarshan |
5 | DECU | Development and Educational Communication Unit |
6 | DEM | Digital Elevation Model |
7 | DeSSEI | Development of Space Start-up Ecosystem in India |
8 | DFRS | Dual Frequency Radio Science |
9 | DF-SAR | Dual-Frequency Synthetic Aperture Radar |
10 | DGCA | Directorate General of Civil Aviation |
11 | DLA | Dual Launch Adaptor |
12 | DM | Dark Matter |
13 | DMS | Dynamics Middle Atmosphere |
14 | DMS | Disaster Management Support |
15 | DOA | Dioctyl Adipate |
16 | DOHS | Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety |
17 | DOI | Digital Object Identifiers |
18 | DoLR | Department of Land Resources |
19 | DOORS | Dynamic Object Oriented Requirements System |
20 | DOS | Department of Space |
21 | DPT | Differential Pressure Transducers |
22 | DRDO | Defence Research and Development Organisation |
23 | DRE | Direct Radiative Forcing |
24 | DRT | Data Relay Transponder |
25 | DSC | Decision Support Centre |
26 | DSI | Drought Severity Index |
27 | DSN | Deep Space Network |
28 | DSNG | Digital Satellite News Gathering |
29 | DSPTs | Digital Satellite Phone Terminal |
30 | DSRQ | Directorate of Safety Reliability and Quality |
31 | DTH | Direct To Home |
32 | DWDS | Disaster Warning Dissemination Systems |
33 | DWR | Doppler Weather Radars |
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | ECIL | Electronics Corporation of India Limited |
2 | ECLSS | Environmental Control and Life Support System |
3 | ECMWF | European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts |
4 | ECVs | Essential Climate Variables |
5 | EGC | Engine Gimbal Control |
6 | EIA | Equatorial Ionization Anomaly |
7 | EIRP | Effective Isotropic Radiated Power |
8 | EMA | Electromechanical Actuators |
9 | EMISAT | Electromagnetic Intelligence-gathering Satellite |
10 | ENWi | Electron density and Neutral Wind |
11 | EO | Earth Observation |
12 | EOC | Early Operations Capability |
13 | EOS | Earth Observation Satellite |
14 | EPRIS | Empowering Panchayati Raj Institutions Spatially |
15 | ESA | European Space Agency |
16 | ESCAP | Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific |
17 | ESCES | Experimental Satellite Communication Earth Station |
18 | ESIC | Employees State Insurance Corporation |
19 | EUMETSAT | European Organisation for Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites |
20 | EWS | Equatorial Wave Studies |
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | FASAL | Forecasting Agricultural output using Space, Agrometeorological and Land based observations |
2 | FCC | False Color Composite |
3 | FDR | Full Dress Rehearsal |
4 | FEAST | Finite Element Analysis of Structures |
5 | FLEWS | Flood Early Warning System |
6 | FLP | First Launch Pad |
7 | FM | Flight Model |
8 | FOV | Field Of View |
9 | FRS | Fine Resolution Stripmap |
10 | FSI | Forest Survey of India |
11 | FSS | Fixed Satellite Services |
12 | FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
13 | FTS | Flight Termination System |
14 | FUV | Far Ultraviolet |
15 | FWHM | Full Width at Half Maximum |
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No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | GAC | Global Area Coverage |
2 | GAGAN | GPS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation |
3 | GALEX | Galaxy Evolution Explorer |
4 | GCN | Ground Control Network, |
5 | GCP | Geo Centric Phase |
6 | GCP | Ground Control Points |
7 | GEO | Geostationary Earth Orbit |
8 | GEOS-Chem | Goddard Earth Observation System Chemical |
9 | GFS | Global Forecasting System |
10 | GHRC | Geo High Resolution Camera |
11 | GHRCE | G.H.Raisoni College of Engineering |
12 | GHz | Giga Hertz |
13 | GIS | Geographical Information System |
14 | GISAT | Geo Imaging Satellite |
15 | GLOF | Glacial Lake Outburst Flood |
16 | GMRT | Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope |
17 | GNSS | Global navigation satellite system |
18 | GOCO | Government Owned and Company Operate |
19 | GOES | Geo-stationary Operational Environmental Satellite |
20 | GPP | Gross Primary Production |
21 | GPR | Ground Penetrating Radar |
22 | GPS | Global Positioning System |
23 | GRBs | Gamma-ray Bursts |
24 | GSAT | Geo Synchronous Satellite |
25 | GSI | Geological Survey of India |
26 | GSLV | Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle |
27 | GSO | Geo Synchronous Orbit |
28 | GTO | Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit |
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | Ha | Hectare |
2 | HAL | Hindustan Aeronautics Limited |
3 | HAVA | Hypersonic Air Breathing Vehicle with Air frame integrated system |
4 | HBCSE | Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education |
5 | HCP | Helio Centric Phase |
6 | Health-QUEST | Health-Quality Upgradation Enabled through Space Technology |
7 | HEL1OS | High Energy L1 Orbiting X-ray Spectrometer |
8 | HEM | High-altitude Escape Motor |
9 | HGA | High Gain Antenna |
10 | HMC | Hybrid Micro Circuit |
11 | hpa | hecta pascal |
12 | HRS | High Resolution SpotLight |
13 | HSFC | Human Space Flight Centre |
14 | HSP | Human Spaceflight Programme |
15 | HTPB | Hydroxyl Terminated Poly Butadiene |
16 | HTS | High Throughput Satellite |
17 | HTVE | High Thrust Vikas Engine |
18 | HV | High Voltage |
19 | HySIS | Hyper Spectral Image Sensor |
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | I&CAD | Irrigation and Computer-Aided Design |
2 | IA | Implementing Arrangement |
3 | IAA | International Academy of Astronautics |
4 | IAC | International Astronautical Congress |
5 | IADC | Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee |
6 | IAF | International Astronautical Federation |
7 | IAOP | Indian Astronomy Olympiad Programme |
8 | ICC | INSAT Coordination Committee |
9 | ICD | Interface Control Document |
10 | ICESat | Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite |
11 | ICGNSS | International Committee for Global Navigation Satellite Systems |
12 | ICs | Initial Conditions |
13 | ICT | Information & Communication Technology |
14 | IDSN | Indian Deep Space Network Complex |
15 | IGBP | ISRO Geosphere Biosphere Programme |
16 | IGS | International Ground Stations |
17 | IIA | Indian Institute of Astrophysics |
18 | IIRS | Indian Institute of Remote Sensing |
19 | IISc | Indian Institute of Science |
20 | IISL | International Institute of Space Law |
21 | IIST | Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology |
22 | IISU | ISRO Inertial Systems Unit |
23 | IITs | Indian Institute of Technologies |
24 | IMAT | Integrated Main Parachute Airdrop Test |
25 | IMD | India Meteorological Department |
26 | IMDPS | INSAT Meteorological Data Processing System |
27 | IMG | Inter-Ministerial Group |
28 | IMGEOS | Integrated Multi mission Ground segment for Earth Observation Satellites |
29 | IMO | International Maritime Organization |
30 | IMPRINT | IMPacting Research INnovation and Technology |
31 | IMS | Indian Mini Satellite |
32 | INAE | Indian National Academy of Engineering |
33 | INC | IRNSS Navigation Centre |
34 | INCOIS | Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Service |
35 | INCOSPAR | Indian National Committee for Space Research |
36 | INLUS | Indian Navigation Land Uplink Stations |
37 | INMCC | Indian Mission Control Centres |
38 | INPE | Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (National Institute for Space Research) |
39 | INRES | Indian Reference Stations |
40 | INSAT | Indian National Satellite |
41 | IN-SPACe | Indian National Space Promotion and Authorization Center |
42 | IOT | In Orbit Testing |
43 | IPAB | Integrated Product Assurance Board |
44 | IPDC | International Programme for the Development of Communication |
45 | IPR | Intellectual Property Rights |
46 | IPRC | ISRO Propulsion Complex |
47 | IRCDR | IRNSS CDMA Ranging Stations |
48 | IRDCN | IRNSS Data Communication Network |
49 | IRIMS | IRNSS Range and Integrity Monitoring Stations |
50 | IRNSS | Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System |
51 | IRNWT | IRNSS Network Timing Facility |
52 | IRS | Indian Remote Sensing Satellite |
53 | IRSCF | IRNSS Spacecraft Control Facility |
54 | ISAC | Information Sharing and Analysis Center |
55 | ISAC | ISRO Satellite Centre |
56 | ISCCM | Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine |
57 | ISEA | Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica |
58 | ISECG | International Space Exploration Coordination Group |
59 | ISITE | ISRO Satellite Integration and Test Establishment |
60 | ISP | Indian Space Programme |
61 | ISPRS | International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |
62 | ISRO | Indian Space Research Organisation |
63 | ISS | International Space Station |
64 | ISSDC | Indian Space Science Data Centre |
65 | IST | Indian Standard Time |
66 | ISTRAC | ISRO Telemetry, Tracking, and Command Network |
67 | ITBP | Indo Tibetan Border Police |
68 | IUCAA | Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics |
69 | IWMP | Integrated Watershed Management Programme |
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No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | JAXA | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
2 | JCM | Joint Consultative Machinery |
3 | JITsat | Jeppiaar Institute of Technology, Sriperumbudur |
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | KaRA | Ka-Band Radio Altimeter |
2 | kbps | kilobits per second |
3 | KCP | Kheda Communications Project |
4 | KSC | Kennedy Space Center |
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | LAB | Launch Authorisation Board |
2 | LAC | Local Area Coverage |
3 | LAM | Liquid Apogee Motor |
4 | LAP | Lyman Alpha Photometer |
5 | LAPT | Lander Actuator Performance Test |
6 | LAXPCs | Large Area X-ray Proportional Counters |
7 | LEM | Low-altitude Escape Motor |
8 | LC | Lander Craft |
9 | LCS | Lagrangian Coherent Structures |
10 | LEO | Low Earth Orbit |
11 | LEOS | Laboratory for Electro-Optics Systems |
12 | LGA | Low Gain Antenna |
13 | LiDAR | Light Detection and Ranging |
14 | LIN | Liquid Nitrogen |
15 | LIRAP | Laser Inertial Reference & Accelerometer Package |
16 | LIS | Land Information System |
17 | LISS | Linear Imaging SelfScanning Censors |
18 | LiVHySI | Limb Viewing Hyper Spectral Imager |
19 | LOX | Liquid Oxygen |
20 | LP | Launch Phase |
21 | LPDC | Lander Pattern Detection Camera |
22 | LPFT | Low Pressure Fuel Turbo |
23 | LPOT | Low Pressure Oxidiser Turbo pump |
24 | LPSC | Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre |
25 | LSPT | Lander Sensor Performance Test |
26 | LST | Land Surface Temperature |
27 | LSWI | Land Surface Water Index |
28 | LULC | Land Use Land Cover |
29 | LUTs | Local User Terminals |
30 | LWIR | Long Wave Infrared |
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | M&C | Monitor & Control |
2 | M&E | Monitoring & Evaluation |
3 | MADRAS | Microwave Analysis and Detection of Rain and Atmospheric Structures |
4 | MATLAB | MATrix LABoratory |
5 | Mbps | Megabits per seconds |
6 | MCC | Mars Color Camera |
7 | MCF | Master Control Facility |
8 | MCNC | Marine Carbon Nitrogen Cycles |
9 | MEMS | Micro Electro Mechanical System |
10 | MENCA | Mars Exospheric Neutral Composition Analyser |
11 | MEO | Medium Earth Orbit |
12 | MGA | Mid Gain Antenna |
13 | MHRD | Ministry of Human Resource Development |
14 | MIP | Moon Impact Probe |
15 | MIS | Management Information System |
16 | MMH | Mono Methyl Hydrazine |
17 | MNCFC | Mahalanobis National Crop Forecasting Centre |
18 | MoD | Ministry of Defence |
19 | MODIS | Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer |
20 | MOI | Mars Orbit Insertion |
21 | MOM | Mars Orbiter Mission |
22 | MON | Mixed Oxides of Nitrogen |
23 | MONEX | Monsoon Experiment |
24 | MOPITT | Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere |
25 | MOSDAC | Meteorological and Oceanographic Satellite Data Archival Centre |
26 | MOTR | Multi-Object Tracking Radar |
27 | MoU | Memorandum of understanding |
28 | MOX | Mission Operations Complex |
29 | MP | Martian Phase |
30 | MPW | Multi-Product Wafer |
31 | MRCCs | Maritime Rescue Coordination Centres |
32 | MRD | Ministry of Rural Development |
33 | MRR | Mission Readiness Review |
34 | MRS | Medium Resolution ScanSAR |
35 | MSA | Mechanical Systems Area |
36 | MSC | Maritime Safety Committee |
37 | MSDE | Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship |
38 | MSM | Methane Sensor for Mars |
39 | MSS | Mobile Servicing System |
40 | MST | Mobile Service Tower |
41 | MST | Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Troposphere |
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No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | NARL | National Atmospheric Research Laboratory |
2 | NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
3 | NavIC | Navigation with Indian Constellation |
4 | NCEP | National Centre for Environmental Prediction |
5 | NCP | National Carbon Project |
6 | NDEM | National Database for Emergency Management |
7 | NDRF | National Disaster Response Force |
8 | NDVI | Normalised Difference Vegetation Index |
9 | NEC | North Eastern Council |
10 | NEE | Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange |
11 | NER | North Eastern Region |
12 | NE-SAC | North Eastern Space Applications Centre |
13 | NGC | New General Catalogue |
14 | NGOs | Non-Government Organizations |
15 | NGPE | Non-Government Private Entity |
16 | NHN | Nickel Hydrazine Nitrate |
17 | NIAS | National Institute of Advanced Studies |
18 | NICES | National Information system for Climate and Environment Studies |
19 | NICNET | National Informatics Centre Network |
20 | NICNET | Nation Wide Computer Communication Network |
21 | NIO | North Indian Ocean |
22 | NISAR | NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar |
23 | NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
24 | NOBLE | Network of Observatories for Boundary Layer Experiments |
25 | NPLI | National Physical Laboratory India |
26 | NNRMS | National Natural Resources Management System |
27 | NPD | NASA Policy Directive |
28 | NPP | Net Primary Productivity |
29 | NRC | Natural Resource Census |
30 | NR-CENSUS | Natural Resources Census |
31 | NRSC | National Remote Sensing Centre |
32 | NSIL | NewSpace India Limited |
33 | NSSO | National Sample Survey Office |
34 | NSSS | National Space Science Symposium |
35 | NUV | Near Ultraviolet |
36 | NWH | North West Himalaya |
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | OBC | On Board Computer |
2 | OBR | Optical Butting Registration |
3 | OC | Orbiter Craft |
4 | OCM | Ocean Colour Monitor |
5 | OCO | Orbiting Carbon Observatory |
6 | OGDRs | Operational Geophysical Records |
7 | OLI | Operational Land Imager |
8 | OLICs | Official Language Implementation Committees |
9 | OP | Orbital Phase |
10 | OPO | Optical Parametric Oscillator |
11 | ORV | Orbital Re-entry Vehicle |
12 | OSCAT | Ocean scatterometer |
13 | OS-CFAR | Ordered Statistics Constant False Alarm Rate |
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | P&T | Post and Telegraphs |
2 | PAA | Phased Array Antenna |
3 | PAT | Pad Abort Test |
4 | PC-NNRMS | Planning Committee on National Natural Resources Management System |
5 | PDMS | Polydimethylsilane |
6 | PDR | Preliminary Design Review |
7 | PFA | Post Flight Analysis |
8 | PHMS | Personal Hygiene Management System |
9 | PI | Principal Investigators |
10 | PICs | Pacific Island Countries |
11 | PISat | PESIT Imaging Satellite |
12 | PLANEX | Planetary Science and Exploration |
13 | POCs | Payload Operations Centers |
14 | POLIX | Polarimeter Instrument in X-rays |
15 | PRL | Physical Research Laboratory |
16 | PSLV | Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle |
17 | PSP | Pre-Signalised Points |
18 | PSTN | Public Switched Telephone Network |
19 | PV | Performance Verification |
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | QBO | Quasi-Biennial Oscillation |
2 | QKD | Quantum Key Distribution |
3 | QLD | Quick look Display |
4 | QPOs | Quasi Periodic Oscillations |
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No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | R&D | Research & Development |
2 | RaBIT | Radio Beacon for Ionospheric Tomography |
3 | RAC-S | Regional Academic Centre for Space |
4 | RAPID | Realtime Analysis Product & Information Dissemination |
5 | RAWEX | Regional Aerosol Warming Experiment |
6 | RCCs | Rescue Coordination Centres |
7 | RCS | Reaction Control System |
8 | RCT | Reaction Control Thrusters |
9 | RDAS | Reconfigurable Data Acquisition System |
10 | RESPOND | Research Sponsored |
11 | RFQ | Request for Qualification |
12 | RIS | RLV Interface System |
13 | RISAT | Radar Imaging Satellite |
14 | RLV-TD | Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstrator |
15 | RN | Radio Networking |
16 | ROSA | Roll Out Solar Array |
17 | ROSCOSMOS | Russian Federal Space Agency |
18 | ROTs | Receive Only Terminals |
19 | RoU | Right of Usage |
20 | RRI | Raman Research Institute |
21 | RRSCs | Regional Remote Sensing Centres |
22 | RS | Restricted Service |
23 | RSDP | Remote Sensing Data Policy |
24 | RTI | Right To Information |
25 | RTRS | Rail Track Rocket Sled |
26 | RXTE | Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer |
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | S&T | Scientific and Technical |
2 | SAA | Space Act Agreements |
3 | SAA | South Atlantic Anomaly |
4 | SAARC | South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation |
5 | SAC | Space Applications Centre |
6 | SADM | Solar Array Drive Mechanism |
7 | SAFE | Solar Array Flight Experiment |
8 | SANSA | South African National Space Agency |
9 | SAO | Stratospheric Semiannual Oscillation |
10 | SAP | State Action Plan |
11 | SAPHIR | Sounder for Probing Vertical Profiles of Humidity |
12 | SAR | Synthetic Aperture Radar |
13 | SAR | Search And Rescue |
14 | SARAL | Systematic Administrative Reforms for Achieving & Learning |
15 | SAS | Surface Active Substances |
16 | SAS&R | Satellite Aided Search and Rescue |
17 | SATCOM | Satellite Communication |
18 | SATNAV | Satellite Navigation |
19 | SBAS | Satellite Based Augmentation System |
20 | SCAT | Semicryo flow control Components Assembly and Test |
21 | SCENC | Semi Cryo Engine Nozzle Closure |
22 | SCES | Satellite Control Earth Stations |
23 | SCFT | Semi-cryogenic Cold Flow Test facility |
24 | SCL | Semi-Conductor Laboratory |
25 | SCORPIO | Satellite based Cyclone Observation for Real-time Prediction over Indian Ocean |
26 | SCPD | Soil Carbon Pools and Dynamics |
27 | SCRAMJET | Supersonic Combustion Ramjet |
28 | SDLP | Space-based Distance Learning Programme |
29 | SDM | System Demonstration Module |
30 | SDSAT | Satish Dhawan Sat |
31 | SDSC | Satish Dhawan Space Centre |
32 | SEMI | Society for Emergency Medicine India |
33 | SFCG | Space Frequency Coordination Group |
34 | SGI | Silicon Graphics |
35 | SHAR | Sriharikota |
36 | SIS | Signal-In-Space |
37 | SITs | Satellite Interactive Terminals |
38 | SITE | Satellite Instructional Television Experiment |
39 | SMA | Shape Memory Alloy |
40 | SMART | Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography Research and Training |
41 | S-NAP | Space-National Academic Partner |
42 | SNR | Signal-to-Noise Ratio |
43 | SOI | Sphere of Influence |
44 | SOLAR | Sun of Light Active Reaction |
45 | SoLEXS | Solar Low Energy X-ray Spectrometer |
46 | SPACE | Spacecraft Prelaunch Automatic Checkout Equipment |
47 | SPADEX | Space Docking Experimnet |
48 | SPDM | Solar Panel Drive Mechanism |
49 | SPL | Space Physics Laboratory |
50 | SPOCs | Search and Rescue Points of Contact |
51 | SPROB | Solid Propellant Space Booster Plant |
52 | SPS | Standard Positioning Service |
53 | SRSAC | State level Remote Sensing Application Centre |
54 | SSC | Satellite Control Centre |
55 | SSLV | Small Satellite Launch Vehicle |
56 | SSM | Scanning Sky Monitor |
57 | SSP | Space Studies Programme |
58 | SSPA | Solid State Power Amplifier |
59 | SSPO | Sun Synchronous Polar Orbit |
60 | SST | Sea Surface Temperature |
61 | SSTC | Space Science and Technology Centre |
62 | SSTL | Survey Satellite Technology Limited |
63 | SSTM | Sea Surface Temperature Monitor |
64 | SSV | Space Service Volume |
65 | STC | Space Technology Cell |
66 | STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics |
67 | STEP | Satellite Telecommunication Experiments Project |
68 | STFS | Standard Time and Frequency Signal |
69 | STPs | Structured Training Programmes |
70 | Sub-GTO | Sub-Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit |
71 | SUIT | Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope |
72 | SVAB | Second Vehicle Assembly Building |
73 | SWIR | Short Wave Infrared |
74 | SXT | Soft X-ray imaging Telescope |
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | TDP | Technology Development Programmes |
2 | TDV | Technology Demonstrator Vehicle |
3 | TE | Tele-Education |
4 | TEC | Total Electron Content |
5 | TECU | Transmission Electronic Control Unit |
6 | TERLS | Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station |
7 | TERRA | Transportation Engineering and Road Research Alliance |
8 | TG | Temperature Greenness |
9 | THCS | Temperature & Humidity Control System |
10 | TIMED | Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Energetics, and Dynamics |
11 | TIRS | Thermal Infrared Sensors |
12 | TIS | Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer |
13 | TM | Telemedicine |
14 | TMA | Trimethyl Aluminum Experiment |
15 | TMC | Terrain Mapping Camera |
16 | TM-CFAR | Trimmed Mean Constant False Alarm Rate |
17 | TOA | Top of the Atmosphere |
18 | TOSS | Transfer Orbit Support Service |
19 | TRAI | Telecom Regulatory Authority of India |
20 | TSR | Tycho Supernova Remnant |
21 | TSTO | Two Stage To Orbit |
22 | TT&C | Telementry & Commanding |
23 | TTC | Telemetry and Telecommand |
24 | TV | Television |
25 | TWRIS | Telangana Water Resources Information System |
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No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
2 | UAY | Uchchatar Avishkar Yojana |
3 | UFA | Unfurlable antenna |
4 | UFS | Urban Frame Survey |
5 | USGS | United States Geological Survey |
6 | USO | Udaipur Solar Observatory |
7 | UH25 | Unsymmetrical Dimethyl Hydrazine + 25% Hydrazine Hydrate |
8 | UN | United Nations |
9 | UNISPACE | United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. |
10 | UNNATI | UNispace Nanosatellite Assembly & Training by ISRO |
11 | UNSPIDER | UN Platform for Space based Information for Disaster management and Emergency Response |
12 | UP | Utilisation Program |
13 | URSC | U R Rao Satellite Centre |
14 | USGS | United States Geological Survey |
15 | UT | University of Twente |
16 | UV | Ultraviolet |
17 | UVIT | Ultra-Violet Imaging Telescope |
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | VEDAS | Visualisation of Earth Observation Data and Archival System |
2 | VELC | Visible Emission Line Coronagraph |
3 | VER | Volume Emission Rate |
4 | VHRR | Very High Resolution Radiometer |
5 | VHRS | Very High Resolution Satellite |
6 | VIS | Verification Information System |
7 | VISWAS | Village based Initiative to Synergise Health, Water, And Sanitation |
8 | VKS | Vikram-Suborbital |
9 | VLSI | Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit |
10 | VNIR | Very Near Infra Red |
11 | VRC | Village Resource Centre |
12 | VSAT | Very Small Aperture Terminal |
13 | VSSC | Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre |
14 | VTM | Velocity Trimming Module |
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | WN | Week Number |
2 | WV | Water Vapour |
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | XPoSat | X-ray Polarimeter Satellite |
2 | XSM | Solar X-ray Monitor |
No. | Acronym | Full-Form |
1 | YUVIKA | YUva VIjyani KAryakram |
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