Last Updated: 4 February 2023
The following list includes a list of International Organizations Headquarters, Top Institutions Headquarters, Intergovernmental Organizations, and many other Important Organizations and Agencies.
Do You which were the main Organs of the United Nations when it was established in 1945? Well the main organs of the UN were:
- General Assembly
- Security Council
- UN Secretariat
- Trusteeship Council
- Economic and Social Council
- International Court of Justice
United Nations Trusteeship Council suspended its operations in 1994. UN comprises numerous organizations, agencies, funds, programs, training and research bodies, etc.
Read the following Top Organizations and their Headquarters and boost your knowledge. We have also included important:
- Associations
- Corporations
- Councils
- Federations
- Unions, etc
Page Contents
List Of International Organizations Headquarters
No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | Asian–African Legal Consultative Organization | AALCO | New Delhi | India |
2 | Afro-Asian Organizations | AARDO | New Delhi | India |
3 | Asia Cooperation Dialogue | ACD | Kuwait City | Kuwait |
4 | Advisory Committee on Post Adjustment Questions | ACPAQ | New York | United States |
5 | Advisory Centre on World Trade Organization Law | ACWL | Geneva | Switzerland |
6 | Asian Development Bank | ADB | Mandaluyong | Philippines |
7 | Assembly of European Regions | AER | Strasbourg | France |
8 | African Development Bank | AfDB | Abidjan | Côte d’Ivoire |
9 | Alliance for Financial Inclusion | AFI | Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia |
10 | Amnesty International | AI | London | United Kingdom |
11 | International Boxing Association | AIBA | Lausanne | Switzerland |
12 | Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank | AIIB | Beijing | China |
13 | Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas | ALBA | Caracas | Venezuela |
14 | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation | APEC | Singapore | Singapore |
15 | Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission | APIC | Bangkok | Thailand |
16 | Association of South East Asian Nations | ASEAN | Jakarta | Indonesia |
17 | Asia-Europe Foundation | ASEF | Singapore | Singapore |
18 | Antarctic Treaty Secretariat | ATC | Buenos Aires | Argentina |
19 | African Union | AU | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia |
No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | Benelux Union Cooperation | Benelux | Brussels | Belgium |
2 | Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation | BIMSTEC | Dhaka | Bangladesh |
3 | Biotechnology Innovation Organization | BIO | Washington, D.C. | United States |
4 | International Bureau of Weights and Measures | BIPM | Sèvres | France |
5 | Bank for International Settlements | BIS | Basel | Switzerland |
6 | Emerging National Economics: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa | BRICS | Shanghai | China |
7 | Black Sea Trade and Development Bank | BSTDB | Thessaloniki | Greece |
8 | Badminton World Federation | BWF | Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia |
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No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | Central American Bank for Economic Integration | CABEI | Tegucigalpa | Honduras |
2 | Caribbean Community | CARICOM | Georgetown | Guyana |
3 | Council of the Baltic Sea States | CBSS | Stockholm | Sweden |
4 | Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources | CCAMLR | Tasmania | Australia |
5 | Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine | CCNR | Strasbourg | France |
6 | Council of Europe Development Bank | CEB | Paris | France |
7 | Central European Initiative | CEI | Trieste | Italy |
8 | Community of Latin American and Caribbean States | CELAC | New York | United States |
9 | European Organization for Nuclear Research | CERN | Geneva | Switzerland |
10 | Consumers International | CI | London | United Kingdom |
11 | International Center for Tropical Agriculture | CIAT | Cali | Colombia |
12 | Center for International Forestry Research | CIFOR | Bogor | Indonesia |
13 | International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center | CIMMYT | Mexico City | Mexico |
14 | Commonwealth of Independent States | CIS | Minsk | Belarus |
15 | Council of Europe | CoE | Strasbourg | France |
16 | Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic and Social Development in Asia and the Pacific | Colombo Plan | Colombo | Sri Lanka |
17 | Commonwealth of Nations | Commonwealth | London | United Kingdom |
18 | Collective Security Treaty Organization | CSTO | Moscow | Russia |
19 | Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization | CTBTO | Vienna | Austria |
No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | Delian League | DL | Delos | Greece |
2 | Defence Research and Development Organisation | DRDO | New Delhi | India |
No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | East African Community | EAC | Arusha | Tanzania |
2 | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | EBRD | London | United Kingdom |
3 | European Commission | EC | Brussels | Belgium |
4 | Economic Cooperation Organization | ECO | Tehran | Iran |
5 | Economic Community of West African States | ECOWAS | Federal Capital Territory | Nigeria |
6 | Eurasian Economic Union | EEU | Moscow | Russia |
7 | European Free Trade Association | EFTA | Geneva | Switzerland |
8 | European Patent Organisation | EPO | Munich | Germany |
9 | Academy of European Law | ERA | Trier | Germany |
10 | European Space Agency | ESA | Paris | France |
11 | European Science Foundation | ESF | Strasbourg | France |
12 | European Union | EU | Brussels | Belgium |
13 | European Atomic Energy Community | EURATOM | Brussels | Belgium |
No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | Food and Agriculture Organization | FAO | Rome | Italy |
2 | Financial Action Task Force | FATF | Paris | France |
3 | Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges | FEAS | Yerevan | Armenia |
4 | Fédération Internationale Des Échecs | FIDE | Lausanne | Switzerland |
5 | Fédération Internationale de Football Association | FIFA | Zürich | Switzerland |
6 | International Hockey Federation | FIH | Lausanne | Switzerland |
No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | Group of Eight | G8 | New York | United States |
2 | Group of Fifteen | G15 | Geneva | Switzerland |
3 | Group of Twenty | G20 | Cancún | Mexico |
4 | Group of Seventy Seven | G77 | New York | United States |
5 | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade | GATT | Geneva | Switzerland |
6 | Googleplex | – | California | United States |
7 | Gulf Cooperation Council | GCC | Riyadh | Saudi Arabia |
8 | Global Environment Facility | GEF | Washington, D.C. | United States |
9 | Global Green Growth Institute | GGGI | Seoul | South Korea |
10 | Great Lakes Fishery Commission | GLFC | Michigan | United States |
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No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | International Association of Athletics Federations | IAAF | Monaco | Monaco |
2 | International Atomic Energy Agency | IAEA | Vienna | Austria |
3 | International Air Transport Association | IATA | Montreal | Canada |
4 | International Bureau of Education | IBE | Geneva | Switzerland |
5 | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | IBRD | Washington, D.C | United States |
6 | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers | ICANN | Los Angeles | United States |
7 | International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas | ICARDA | Beirut | Lebanon |
8 | International Civil Aviation Organization | ICAO | Montreal | Canada |
9 | International Criminal Court | ICC | The Hague | Netherlands |
10 | International Cricket Council | ICC | Dubai | United Arab Emirates |
11 | International Chamber of Commerce | ICC | Paris | France |
12 | International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas | ICCAT | Madrid | Spain |
13 | International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property | ICCROM | Rome | Italy |
14 | International Commission on Civil Status | ICCS | Strasbourg | France |
15 | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | ICES | Copenhagen | Denmark |
16 | International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology | ICGEB | Trieste | Italy |
17 | International Court of Justice | ICJ | The Hague | Netherlands |
18 | International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management | ICLARM | Penang | Malaysia |
19 | International Committee of the Red Cross | ICOMOS | Paris | France |
20 | International Centre for Research in Agroforestry | ICRAF | Nairobi | Kenya |
21 | International Council on Monuments and Sites | ICRC | Geneva | Switzerland |
22 | International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics | ICRISAT | Patancheru | India |
23 | International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes | ICSID | Washington, D.C. | United States |
24 | International Centre for Theoretical Physics | ICTP | Trieste | Italy |
25 | International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda | ICTR | Arusha | Tanzania |
26 | International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia | ICTV | The Hague | Netherlands |
27 | International Development Association | IDA | Washington, D.C | United States |
28 | Islamic Development Bank | IDB | Jeddah | Saudi Arabia |
29 | International Development Law Organization | IDLO | Rome | Italy |
30 | International Energy Agency | IEA | Paris | France |
31 | International Energy Forum | IEF | Riyadh | Saudi Arabia |
32 | International Finance Corporation | IFA | Washington, D.C | United States |
33 | International Fund For Agricultural Development | IFAD | Rome | Italy |
34 | International Finance Corporation | IFC | Washington, D.C | United States |
35 | International Food Policy Research Institute | IFPRI | Washington, D.C | United States |
36 | Intergovernmental Authority on Development | IGAD | Djibouti City | Djibouti |
37 | International Golf Federation | IGF | Lausanne | Switzerland |
38 | International Hydrographic Organization | IHO | Monaco | Monaco |
39 | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis | IIASA | Laxenburg | Austria |
40 | International Institute of Tropical Agriculture | IITA | Ibadan | Nigeria |
41 | International Labour Organization | ILO | Geneva | Switzerland |
42 | International Livestock Research Institute | ILRI | Nairobi | Kenya |
43 | International Monetary Fund | IMF | Washington, D.C | United States |
44 | International Maritime Organization | IMO | London | United Kingdom |
45 | International Mobile Satellite Organization | IMSO | London | United Kingdom |
46 | International Network for Bamboo and Rattan | INBAR | Beijing | China |
47 | International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance | International IDEA | Stockholm | Sweden |
48 | International Criminal Police Organization | INTERPOL | Lyon | France |
49 | International Olympic Committee | IOC | Lausanne | Switzerland |
50 | International Organization for Migration | IOM | Grand-Saconnex | Switzerland |
51 | Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Co-operation | IOR-ARC | Port Louis | Mauritius |
52 | Indian Ocean Tuna Commission | IOTC | Victoria | Seychelles |
53 | International Potato Center | IPC | Lima | Peru |
54 | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change | IPCC | Geneva | Switzerland |
55 | International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation | IPEEC | Paris | France |
56 | International Plant Genetic Resources Institute | IPGRI | Maccarese | Italy |
57 | International Pacific Halibut Commission | IPHC | Washington, D.C | United States |
58 | Inter-Parliamentary Union | IPU | Geneva | Switzerland |
59 | International Renewable Energy Agency | IRENA | Masdar City | United Arab Emirates |
60 | International Rescue Committee | IRC | New York | United States |
61 | Innocenti Research Centre | IRC | Florence | Italy |
62 | International Renewable Energy Agency | IRENA | Abu Dhabi | United Arab Emirates |
63 | International Rice Research Institute | IRRI | Los Baños | Philippines |
64 | International Solar Alliance | ISA | Gurugram | India |
65 | International Seabed Authority | ISA | Kingston | Jamaica |
66 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | Geneva | Switzerland |
67 | Indian Space Research Organisation | ISRO | Bengaluru | India |
68 | International Shooting Sport Federation | ISSF | Brussels | Belgium |
69 | International Tennis Federation | ITF | London | United Kingdom |
70 | International Telecommunications Satellite Organization | ITSO | Washington, D.C | United States |
71 | International Table Tennis Federation | ITTF | Lausanne | Switzerland |
72 | International Telecommunication Union | ITU | Geneva | Switzerland |
73 | International Trade Union Confederation | ITUC | Brussels | Belgium |
74 | International Union for Conservation of Nature | IUCN | Gland | Switzerland |
75 | International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry | IUPAC | North Carolina | United States |
76 | International Whaling Commission | IWC | Cambridge | United Kingdom |
77 | International Water Management Institute | IWMI | Colombo | Sri Lanka |
No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | League of Nations | LN | Geneva | Switzerland |
No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | Mekong–Ganga Cooperation | MGC | Vientiane | Laos |
2 | Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency | MIGA | Washington, D.C. | United States |
3 | Mekong River Commission | MRC | Vientiane | Laos |
4 | Médecins Sans Frontières | MSF | Geneva | Switzerland |
No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization | NAFO | Dartmouth | Canada |
2 | Non-Aligned Movement | NAM | Central Jakarta | Indonesia |
3 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | NASA | Washington, D.C. | United States |
4 | North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization | NASCO | Edinburgh | United Kingdom |
5 | North Atlantic Treaty Organization | NATO | Brussels | Belgium |
6 | Narcotics Control Bureau | NCB | New Delhi | India |
7 | New Development Bank | NDB | Shanghai | China |
8 | Nordic Development Fund | NDF | Helsinki | Finland |
9 | Nuclear Energy Agency | NEA | Paris | France |
10 | North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission | NEAFC | London | United Kingdom |
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No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | Organisation of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries | OAPEC | Kuwait City | Kuwait |
2 | Organization of American States | OAS | Washington, D.C. | United States |
3 | Organisation of African Unity | OAU | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia |
4 | Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation | OCCAR | Bonn | Italy |
5 | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development | OECD | Paris | France |
6 | Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States | OECS | Castries | Saint Lucia |
7 | Organization of Ibero-American States | OEI | Madrid | Spain |
8 | Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights | OHCHR | Geneva | Switzerland |
9 | Organisation of Islamic Cooperation | OIC | Jeddah | Saudi Arabia |
10 | Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie | OIF | Paris | France |
11 | Oil and Natural Gas Corporation | ONGC | Delhi | India |
12 | Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons | OPCW | The Hague | Netherlands |
13 | Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries | OPEC | Vienna | Austria |
14 | Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe | OSCE | Vienna | Austria |
15 | Organization for Cooperation of Railways | OSJD | Warsaw | Poland |
No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia | PEMSEA | Quezon City | Philippines |
2 | Permanent Court of Arbitration | PCA | The Hague | Netherlands |
3 | Pacific Islands Forum | PIF | Suva | Fiji |
4 | Pacific Salmon Commission | PSC | Vancouver | Canada |
No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership | REEEP | Vienna | Austria |
No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation | SAARC | Kathmandu | Nepal |
2 | South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme | SACEP | Colombo | Sri Lanka |
3 | Southern African Development Community | SADC | Gaborone | Botswana |
4 | South Asian Wildlife Enforcement Network | SAWEN | Kathmandu | Nepal |
5 | Shanghai Cooperation Organisation | SCO | Beijing | China |
6 | Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization | SEAMEO | Bangkok | Thailand |
7 | Southeast Asia Treaty Organization | SEATO | Bangkok | Thailand |
8 | Securities and Exchange Board of India | SEBI | Mumbai | India |
9 | Sustainable Energy for All | SEforALL | Vienna | Austria |
No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat | TCS | Seoul | South Korea |
2 | Transparency International | TI | Berlin | Germany |
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No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | United Nations | UN | New York | United States |
2 | Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS | UNAIDS | Geneva | Switzerland |
3 | United Nations Capital Development Fund | UNCDF | New York | United States |
4 | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development | UNCTAD | Geneva | Switzerland |
5 | United Nations Development Programme | UNDP | New York | United States |
6 | United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction | UNDRR | Geneva | Switzerland |
7 | United Nations Economic Commission for Africa | UNECA | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia |
8 | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe | UNECE | Geneva | Switzerland |
9 | United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean | UNECLAC | Santiago | Chile |
10 | United Nations Environment Programme | UNEP | Nairobi | Kenya |
11 | United Nations Economic and Social Council | UNESC | New York | United States |
12 | United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific | UNESCAP | Bangkok | Thailand |
13 | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | UNESCO | Paris | France |
14 | United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia | UNESCWA | Beirut | Lebanon |
15 | United Nations Population Fund | UNFPA | New York | United States |
16 | United Nations General Assembly | UNGA | New York | United States |
17 | United Nations Human Settlement Programme | UN-Habitat | Nairobi | Kenya |
18 | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | UNHCR | Geneva | Switzerland |
19 | United Nations Human Rights Council | UNHRC | Geneva | Switzerland |
20 | United Nations Human Settlements Programme | UNHSP | Nairobi | Kenya |
21 | United Nations Children’s Fund | UNICEF | New York | United States |
22 | United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute | UNICRI | Turin | Italy |
23 | United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research | UNIDIR | Geneva | Switzerland |
24 | United Nations Industrial Development Organization | UNIDO | Vienna | Austria |
25 | United Nations International Training and Research Center | UNITAR | Geneva | Switzerland |
26 | United Nations Organisation | UNO | New York | United States |
27 | United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs | UNOCHA | New York | United States |
28 | United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs | UNODA | New York | United States |
29 | United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime | UNODC | Vienna | Austria |
30 | United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction | UNODRR | Geneva | Switzerland |
31 | United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs | UNOOSA | Vienna | Austria |
32 | United Nations Research Institute For Social Development | UNRISD | Geneva | Switzerland |
33 | United Nations Secretariat | UNS | New York | United States |
34 | United Nations Security Council | UNSC | New York | United States |
35 | United Nations Statistics Division | UNSD | New York | United States |
36 | United Nations System Staff College | UNSSC | Turin | Italy |
37 | United Nations Trusteeship Council | UNTC | New York | United States |
38 | United Nations University | UNU | Tokyo | Japan |
39 | United Nations Women | UN Women | New York | United States |
40 | United Nations World Tourism Organization | UNWTO | Madrid | Spain |
41 | University for Peace | UPEACE | ||
42 | Universal Postal Union | UPU | Bern | Switzerland |
43 | Union of South American Nations | USAN | Quito | Ecuador |
44 | United World Wrestling | UWW | Corsier-sur-Vevey | Switzerland |
No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | World Anti-Doping Agency | WADA | Montreal | Canada |
2 | World Association of Nuclear Operators | WANO | London | United Kingdom |
3 | West Africa Rice Development Association | WARDA | Bouake | Côte d’Ivoire |
4 | Waste Corporation | WCA | Texas | United States |
5 | World Cube Association | WCA | California | United States |
6 | World Customs Organization | WCO | Brussels | Belgium |
7 | Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission | WCPFC | Kolonia | Micronesia |
8 | World Economic Forum | WEF | Cologny | Switzerland |
9 | World Food Programme | WFP | Rome | Italy |
10 | World Hindu Economic Forum | WHEF | Delhi | India |
11 | World Health Organization | WHO | Geneva | Switzerland |
12 | World Intellectual Property Organization | WIPO | Geneva | Switzerland |
13 | World Meteorological Organization | WMO | Geneva | Switzerland |
14 | World Bank Group | WB | Washington, D.C | United States |
15 | World Trade Organization | WTO | Geneva | Switzerland |
16 | World Vegetable Center | WVC | Tainan | Taiwan |
17 | World Wide Fund for Nature | WWF | Gland | Switzerland |
No. | Organization | Abbrv. | Headquarter | Country |
1 | South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone | ZPCAS | Brasilia | Brazil |
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